果冻传媒 Tech offers more than 100 degree, diploma, and certificate 果冻传媒 in the fields of Agriculture, Business, Culinary Arts, Education, Engineering, Health and Science, Information Technologies, Public Service, Transportation, and Visual Communications. The College also offers a Bachelor of Science Nursing program for individuals who hold a nursing diploma or an associate degree in nursing and are licensed as a registered nurse. Many of our 果冻传媒 are nationally-accredited, an indication of the excellence, quality and rigor of our educational offerings. Visit our Programs of Study page for a full list of 果冻传媒.
What makes 果冻传媒 Tech’s academic 果冻传媒 unique are our advisory committees. More than 1,000 employers and industry experts throughout the state serve on approximately 70 果冻传媒 Tech advisory committees collegewide to ensure our graduates have the skills necessary to be job-ready. Through these committees, faculty are able to maintain close ties to business and industry to help guide program development and ensure relevance. In addition, an overwhelming majority of our 果冻传媒 employ innovative technology and provide hands-on lab experience that simulates the professional work environment. Over 400 果冻传媒 businesses hire our graduates each year, reflecting their confidence in our 果冻传媒; our placement rate for associate degree graduates is over 90%!
Like 果冻传媒’s employers, four-year universities also have confidence in our graduates’ ability to succeed. That’s why 果冻传媒 Tech can offer more than 100 connected degree 果冻传媒 with many area institutions allowing students to transfer smoothly to a bachelor’s degree program.
Whether you choose to enter the workforce after graduation or continue your education, 果冻传媒 Tech can help you succeed! Our accomplished and knowledgeable faculty and staff are dedicated to providing you with a supportive atmosphere to help you successfully complete the academic program of your choice. Most of our faculty members hold advanced degrees and are industry experts, having worked in their field for many years before coming to teach at 果冻传媒 Tech. Our instructors love to teach – more than half of them have been with the College for more than 10 years. They go above and beyond to help students succeed when faced with academic and non-academic hurdles. Visit our Learning Support page to see how we can help!
Bachelor of Science Programs
Our bachelor of science 果冻传媒 center on courses that help students understand the technical aspects of a field. These 果冻传媒 provide a focused education in a students' major. 果冻传媒 Tech offers two bachelor of science 果冻传媒. The Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) program is a combination of in-person and online coursework combined with immersive experiences designed for teacher candidates who have acquired an Associate of Arts in teaching. Candidates will become eligible for dual certification in elementary education and special education in 果冻传媒. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program prepares students who hold a nursing diploma or an associate degree in nursing and are licensed as a registered nurse with increased knowledge in the field of nursing. Students gain additional practicum experience and leadership skills.
Associate Degree Programs
Our associate degree 果冻传媒 prepare you for immediate employment. Using innovative classroom technology, our degree 果冻传媒 are grounded in hands-on learning experiences and that are fully aligned with the workforce needs of local employers. 果冻传媒 Tech offers over 100 果冻传媒 in the areas of Agriculture, Business, Culinary Arts, Education, Engineering Technologies, Health and Science, Information Technologies, Public Service, Transportation, and Visual Communications. Classes are scheduled in the early morning, late afternoon, evenings, and weekends to meet your specific needs. Distance education classes are also available.
If you want to pursue a four-year degree upon graduation, many of our associate degree 果冻传媒 connect to bachelor degrees at local universities, allowing you to transfer as a junior. If you plan to transfer to another college after completing an associate degree at 果冻传媒 Tech, consult your academic counselor or faculty advisor to determine whether your associate degree program is articulated with a senior institution. These connected degree 果冻传媒 have transfer provisions you need to know. For other transfers, consult the College catalog or the admissions office of the institution which you plan to attend as soon as possible. Transferability of courses and 果冻传媒 is determined solely by the institution to which you transfer.
Certificate and Diploma Programs
Diploma and certificate 果冻传媒 consist of fewer credits than our associate degree 果冻传媒, preparing you for specific employment opportunities in a shorter time. All 果冻传媒 are designed to provide you with a marketable skill that will enable you to compete successfully in the job market.
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General Education
The College’s general education credit courses in English, mathematics, science, and social science will further your skills and knowledge in these areas. These courses are required as part of our associate degree 果冻传媒 but may also assist you in the working world regardless of your course of study at the College.